Keep reading to find out how high your fence should be.
The next time you need to build a residential fence, you might run into some unexpected questions. After all, there are issues of etiquette to discuss with your direct neighbors. Then, you’ll probably have to acquire the proper permits as required by the town or county where you live. After all that, haggling with the HOA over what you can and can’t do with your new fence presents another obstacle. Amidst all of this, it’s easy to forget that fences can only go so high. Keep reading to find out how high your fence should be.
What is the Purpose of the Fence?
When you’re trying to pin down how tall you want your residential fence to be, consider what its purpose is. For instance, a privacy fence can hide you from neighbors who enjoy spying on you. Security fences are made to deter intruders. Other fences are better suited to protecting your pets and children when playing in the yard. And if you’ve got a swimming pool in your backyard, you’re almost certainly obligated to have a sturdy fence around it.
Standard Heights According to Specific Function
Once you have figured out what you want your residential fence to do for you, you can focus on its dimensions. Beyond how long and wide it’ll be, don’t forget to determine how deep and how high it will go. For example, decorative fences are three to four feet. Generally speaking, they’re there to look pretty. Privacy fences stand at six feet tall or thereabouts. These fences shield your windows and yard from inquisitive neighbors who are just a tad too curious.
Boundary and Pool Fences
Meanwhile, boundary fences go a bit further than that. These picket fences outline property zones. They are shorter in front yards (around three feet) and taller in the back (about six feet). The height of dog fences depends on how athletic your dog is. Some dogs are solid muscle and can hop over four feet high fences.
Pool fences need to be at least four feet tall, but as always, be sure to communicate with the relevant authorities. Doing your research now will stop future logistical headaches.
Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach Has Everything You Need!
Call Hercules Fence of Norfolk and Virginia Beach for your fencing needs. We have decades of experience in the fencing industry. We can offer you the best in ornamental steel, chain links, wooden fences, and more. Our dedicated teams of fencing professionals are highly trained, skilled, and experienced in providing quality fence installations of any type. We’ll work with you to find a fence that best suits your needs and budget.
Contact Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach at (757) 321-6700. Contact us on our website to learn more about fence construction! In addition, you can keep up to date with offers and information.