To that end, we’ve harvested several fall-themed fence decoration tips that will get your imagination going.
What’s your favorite season? By the time you read this, October will be here. Or it’s about to be. Anyway, the crisp and cool weather will probably invite you outside when you need a break from carving pumpkins and watching scary movies. If you consider Halloween to be the best time of year, get your home’s exterior into the spirit (hah) of things, too! To that end, we’ve harvested several fall-themed fence decoration tips that will get your imagination going.
Rake Up Fallen Leaves And Use Them
One astoundingly easy way to make your fence look fabulous is to pick up the leaves that have fallen all over your yard. At first, you might think that this involves gathering handfuls of leaves and stapling them to your fence. But what if we told you that such an idea was overthinking it? Instead, all you have to do is arrange the leaves into neat piles and place them at aesthetically pleasing intervals alongside your fence. And while you’d expect dead leaves to be an eyesore, the silver lining is that they’ll infuse extra nutrients into the soil. Next year’s lawn will look even better!
Pep Up the Fence Posts
Our second fence decoration tip asks you to reconsider the look of the fence posts. Uplighting and downlighting can inject some additional personality into your yard through savvy placements. The real challenge is figuring out where to hang those lights for full effect. How about your fence posts? Taller fences leave you (heh) with more room to experiment. Perennials or annual plants that flourish in the autumn are a great way to add a natural touch. Meanwhile, you could also incorporate striking statues and breathtaking fountains into the design of the fence itself. Now, doesn’t that sound wonderful?
Consider Adding Bundles of Wreaths and Flowers
One last suggestion is to use seasonal wreaths and flowers as part of your fence decoration scheme. This aesthetic approach is incredibly easy to achieve, and with it, you can reach for neighborhood bragging rights before it’s time to put Halloween decorations. Christmas wreaths are commonly seen on doors in the run-up to the holiday season. Space out the wreaths every few feet and then hang flowers along trellises. As you’re doing that, remember to arrange the flowers so that it’s easy to water them!
Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach Has Everything You Need!
Call Hercules Fence of Norfolk and Virginia Beach for your fencing needs. We have decades of experience in the fencing industry. We can offer you the best in ornamental steel, chain link, wooden fences, and more. Our dedicated teams of fencing professionals are highly trained, skilled, and experienced in providing quality fence installations of any type. We’ll work with you to find a fence that best suits your needs and budget.
Contact Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach at (757) 321-6700. Contact us on our website to learn more about fall and winter fence construction! In addition, you can keep up to date with offers and information from Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach on Facebook, Pinterest, Linked In, and Twitter.