Having a fence for your yard is all well and good – after all, they provide several significant benefits, from keeping your pets and kids safe on your property to keeping the things in your yard safe from thieves and vandals. But your fence needs a gate for the yard to still be handy. Choosing the right entrance to go with your fence and meet your needs is almost as hard as choosing the right fence style and material. Read on to learn about several different types of gates that you can choose from to compliment your new fence (or make your old fence more user-friendly).

Consider these different types of fence gates.
Standard Gates
The standard gate is the type of gate you’d get if you ordered a fence and didn’t request anything special. They are not exceptionally secure, but if you add a lock, they are safe enough for most residential needs. These gates are usually a single “door” and are the same height as the rest of the fence (or very close). While the latch stays closed, they don’t have any extra security features.
Swing Gates
Swing gates are usually wider than standard gates, sometimes even having a double “door.” They swing wide and allow much more important things to go through the fence. They are often lower than the fence height, providing an aesthetic element but not much security. Swing gates can also be the same height as the rest of the fence, providing much more protection.
Out Only Gates
In certain areas, you may want to be able to let people out but not allow them to come back in. this is most common in commercial settings but could potentially have residential uses. If you have reason to want to let people leave your yard (or a part of your yard) quickly but not enter without your permission, an out-only gate is an answer. Essentially these gates open or swing one way to allow people to leave but cannot be reopened from the other side. They are often on vinyl or ornamental metal fences since the complex hinge system needs a little more support than a standard gate.
Specialty Gates
Finally, some specialty gates, such as pool gates, are on the market. If you have a pool in your yard, you must have a pool fence and a pool gate to keep people out of the pool area without your permission. This is not just to protect you from liability but to protect the people you care about from harm and even death.
Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach Has Everything You Need!
Call Hercules Fence of Norfolk and Virginia Beach for your fencing needs. We have decades of experience in the fencing industry. We can offer you the best in ornamental steel, chain link, wooden fences, and more. Our dedicated teams of fencing professionals are highly trained, skilled, and experienced in providing quality fence installations of any type. We’ll work with you to find a fence that best suits your needs and budget.
Contact Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach at (757) 321-6700. Contact us on our website to learn more about fall and winter fence construction! In addition, you can keep up to date with offers and information from Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach on Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter.